Raising Children According to their Design

1 hour audio lecture + eBook transcript

Now includes eBook | Topics covered:

Relying on Design as a Guide
How Design mechanics function as a blueprint to raising a child

Understanding Environment
The importance of surroundings that enhance your child’s wellbeing

Left and Right Minds
Learn how your child takes in information

Providing a Secure Foundation
How to better communicate with your child

Supporting a Child in their Authority
How Open Centers indicate vulnerability

Giving Children an Advantage
The importance of dietary regimen


For many of us, learning to live according to our Design is eye-opening. So many things change and make sense when our approaches and choices are informed by our unique Design. As we recognize more and more of the Not-Self and its negative impacts, we learn how to mitigate its influence.

But at times, we can still experience a sense of regret that the insight our Design brings didn’t come to us earlier in life. What might have been different for us if we’d been raised according to our nature from an early age, and conditioning hadn’t curbed our potential?

Parents and others who nurture and support children carry the weight of that responsibility, and knowing your child’s Design can be an invaluable tool to avoid the most common mistakes we make when raising children. How can we support them without our support conveying conditioning? What do the mechanics of Design tell us about the nurturance, environment and energy that is most beneficial to a child?

This one-hour audio lecture with new eBook transcript (here's a sample) gives practical guidance based on your awareness of your child’s Type, open Centers, and Variable configurations. By looking at the charts of our children, we can understand specific aspects of who they are, such as how they are meant to use their energy, take in food, and learn. This lecture provides simple, effective ways to nurture a child’s strengths, talents, and potential.

Learn the most essential aspects of your child’s BodyGraph, and discover strategies for nurturing your child without conditioning.

Our goal is to guide you in your journey. We’re always available to answer questions about Human Design and point you in the right direction—toward products, articles, or free content in our media library that you may find helpful in your exploration of Human Design. You can contact us at office@jovianarchive.com.

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1 hour audio lecture + eBook transcript

Now includes eBook | Topics covered:

Relying on Design as a Guide
How Design mechanics function as a blueprint to raising a child

Understanding Environment
The importance of surroundings that enhance your child’s wellbeing

Left and Right Minds
Learn how your child takes in information

Providing a Secure Foundation
How to better communicate with your child

Supporting a Child in their Authority
How Open Centers indicate vulnerability

Giving Children an Advantage
The importance of dietary regimen