Sexuality in human beings according to Human Design is based on two fundamental themes.
After all, that's the only reason the bargain is there. I hope you get that. The only reason that the bargain is there is because there is a wave in the emotional system, and the bargain is an attempt to fix the wave.
If you have a hanging gate you have something to literally hang on. But the moment that it’s totally open there is no defense.
When you think about Design, a wonderful place to go is here in the center of the G Center, the identity. In here, we have what's called the Magnetic Monopole, that which holds us together in the illusion of our separateness
This is my whole thing. My whole thing is we're not here to conform. We're here to be unique beings. We're here to fulfill our unique potential.
What we're going to look at is what most people think is really exciting. In other words, “What is my Incarnation Cross?” And for me, the Incarnation Cross is like going to Craigslist.