Generator and Manifesting Generator

29 minutes
  • Explore the most dominant energy type making up 70% of the population
  • Learn the basic mechanics of the defined Sacral Center
  • Learn practical solutions for correct decision making, harnessing the power of Response
  • Explore what it means to have a genetic responsibility by supplying your unique life force frequency to the planet
  • Move from frustration to satisfaction with your work and creative life

The type that is essential to the well-being of our species as a whole is the Generator, who represent around 70% of the human population (Half of which are pure Generators, the other half are Manifesting Generators).

A Generator always has a defined Sacral Center, which itself is the center of life as the core of our reproductive capacity. It is literally the energy for life and work, and it is the Generator who builds the world.

How is this powerful Sacral designed to operate correctly? Join Ra as he dives into the simple, practical solutions that every Generator can implement, to move from the frustration of not using their energy correctly to discovering the satisfaction that they can find.

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  • Learn the basic mechanics of the defined Sacral Center
  • Learn practical solutions for correct decision making, harnessing the power of Response
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