Design Concepts

170-page eBook transcript


A Grounding in Human Design Basics
Gain a foundational knowledge of Human Design and how you can start applying it to your life

Seeing From a New Perspective
Discover how to see the world differently, and how to live in tune with your true nature

Personal Truth
How can you understand who you truly are and live in a way that’s authentic to yourself?

The Not-Self and the BodyGraph
Discover the influence that has held you back from authenticity and fulfillment — the ‘not-self’ — and learn how to separate yourself from its influence

What Type Reveals
Gain a deeper understanding of your own Type, and further your understanding of the Types of others

How can you understand what attracts you to others, and how can you stay true to yourself in a relationship?


If you’re relatively new to Human Design, this ebook will greatly expand your understanding of Human Design fundamentals.  Taught by Ra Uru Hu, Design Concepts is an ideal opportunity for Human Design students and newcomers to learn the foundational elements of the Human Design System. It guides you through unfamiliar territory and for anyone trying to grasp the basic elements of the knowledge, this course offers the comfort level and insight that will deepen your understanding and support your experience.

Through this course, you’ll explore with Ra:

  • The Mechanics of the Maia: This lecture expands on the introductory program information, and gives you a solid foundation for further exploration into Human Design.
  • Type & Strategy: What is your Type, and what does it mean to approach life from your personal truth?
  • Personality & Design: The Black and Red within a Human Design Chart serve as a guide to what is conscious, and what lies beneath your conscious awareness - and are a key to living your Design.
  • The Magnetic Monopole and the G Center: Our mysterious source of Direction and Love, and the key to how the aspects of your chart merge to become a unified whole.
  • Definition: What is consistent and reliable within your Design? And how does your specific Definition function optimally?
  • Authority: So often we agonize over important decisions. Your Authority in your Design reveals how you can make decisions easily and authentically.
  • Living Your Design: Type, Strategy and Authority - this lecture reveals how you can combine these main aspects of your Chart to live your Design.
  • Connecting and Conditioning: We are all open to conditioning through connections with others. Your chart reveals your openness; what does it show you about yourself?
  • Keynoting: The art of analysing a Human Design chart is profound; keynoting provides some basic fundamentals.

Also included is a Q&A session between Ra and the students that was held at the end of the course. If you’re like other students of Human Design, you’ll find these lessons invaluable in better understanding Human Design, others in your life, and most of all, yourself.

This eBook is an illustrated transcript of the ten-lesson course taught by Ra Uru Hu.  It offers a deeper understanding of Human Design — and along the way, a deeper understanding of yourself.  Here's an excerpt of the eBook.

If you are interested in purchasing the original ten hours of audio learning and eBook transcript, click here.

Learn more about each lesson and product under the Lessons tab.

Course Curriculum

Lesson 1
The Mechanics of the Maia
Ra offers a general overview of Human Design, including what Human Design is and what it’s not, the differences between the black and red of a Design, and the purpose of the mind. This lesson lays a solid foundation for the rest of the course.

Lesson 2
Type and Strategy
How can understanding Type and Strategy liberate us from living a homogenized life? Join Ra as he explains the basics of each Type and its Strategy, and how this insight leads to finding one’s personal truth.

Lesson 3
Personality and Design
Personality and Design are a bedrock of Human Design. They help us release the mind from the weight of not knowing or understanding what lies below the level of conscious awareness. Through this lecture, reach an understanding of the nature of your being and experience the magic of living your Design.

Lesson 4
The Magnetic Monopole and the G Center
What creates us and holds us together in the illusion of our separateness? How do the different aspects of our being maintain a healthy relationship? In this lesson, Ra introduces and explains the importance of the Magnetic Monopole, its relationship to the G Center, the Center of Identity — and how to live a correct and beautiful life.

Lesson 5
What can we trust in ourselves? What makes us unique as beings? The answer to these questions is Definition. Ra explains what Definition is, how Channels are created, and how fulfilling it is to live out our unique Definition.

Lesson 6
You may have heard the term “Strategy and Authority”. So, what is your Authority and how do you find it in your chart? Ra outlines each unique Inner Authority, and how to use your own Inner Authority as a main tool for living in alignment and making correct decisions.

Lesson 7
Living Your Design
Would you rather be your unique self than just be a face in the crowd? Are you tired of feeling like your mind is pulling you in both directions and creating havoc in your life? In this lesson learn about the Strategy, difficulties and conditioning of each Type, and how living your Design can release you from the grip your mind has on your life.

Lesson 8
Connecting and Conditioning
Do you feel like something is missing in your life, or feel incomplete and unconnected? In this lesson, Ra uses the tool of combining two different charts and offers an analysis of how each person will perceive, meet, and be conditioned by the other. Learn about connection and conditioning from this detailed journey through two charts.

Lesson 9
Everything in Human Design has a Keynote. Understanding the Keynotes and how to string them together is an art that takes time and practice. This lesson will teach you the magical art of Keynoting, and how it reveals to you the story of your life.

Lesson 10
Anything Under the Sun Q&A
In this lesson, Ra answers questions about a variety of Human Design topics, such as the Kiron Return, Keynoting, and what happens at death.

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170-page eBook transcript


A Grounding in Human Design Basics
Gain a foundational knowledge of Human Design and how you can start applying it to your life

Seeing From a New Perspective
Discover how to see the world differently, and how to live in tune with your true nature

Personal Truth
How can you understand who you truly are and live in a way that’s authentic to yourself?

The Not-Self and the BodyGraph
Discover the influence that has held you back from authenticity and fulfillment — the ‘not-self’ — and learn how to separate yourself from its influence

What Type Reveals
Gain a deeper understanding of your own Type, and further your understanding of the Types of others

How can you understand what attracts you to others, and how can you stay true to yourself in a relationship?
