Emotionality in the Time of Mutation

1 hour audio + eBook transcript + Classroom screen recording

2027 and the Mutation of the Solar Plexus
Gain insight into the process that will lead to the coming mutation

What is spirit awareness?
Explore how we can realize the pure potential of spirit awareness that is at the core of the Solar Plexus, and how it differs from the emotional wave

Gate 55 and its Role in the Mutation
Distortion is part of the emotional experience. What happens when the motor function of Gate 55 no longer works, and it turns into an awareness Gate?

The Pluto Interregnum
Since 1781, transiting Pluto has impacted the human experiential way. How has that played a major part in our transformation process?

The Completion of the Story
How will the realisation of our full cognitive potential impact our human experience?


Everything about the nature of life as we know it has been determined by the human experiential way, rooted in the emotionality of the Solar Plexus.

In the BodyGraph, this dynamic is depicted in the movement from the 41st Gate to the 35th Gate; it begins with a fantasy that becomes a desire which then turns into a powerful urge that can ultimately be fulfilled through manifesting. What makes this process so powerful is that it’s driven by the emotional motor of the Solar Plexus and its wave motion — the ups and downs of the emotional wave that accompany the experiential way.

This fundamental aspect to our emotional experience is about to change as we are getting closer to 2027, and the mutation of the Solar Plexus Center. This mutation will usher in an era of spirit awareness as the Solar Plexus turns into an Awareness Center, and completes our process. A main aspect of this mutation is that the motor driving the emotional process will no longer function. How will this change our experience? How will our cognitive potential be impacted when we can experience life through three Centers of awareness?

You can explore this change and how we are designed to reach our full cognitive potential, through Emotionality in the Time of Mutation, a 1-hour audio plus illustrated ebook transcript (here's an sample) and a screen recording of Ra's online classroom environment.

Join Ra and discover what the mutation of the Solar Plexus is about, why that mutation is taking place now, and how it is affecting our emotional process.

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1 hour audio + eBook transcript + Classroom screen recording

2027 and the Mutation of the Solar Plexus
Gain insight into the process that will lead to the coming mutation

What is spirit awareness?
Explore how we can realize the pure potential of spirit awareness that is at the core of the Solar Plexus, and how it differs from the emotional wave

Gate 55 and its Role in the Mutation
Distortion is part of the emotional experience. What happens when the motor function of Gate 55 no longer works, and it turns into an awareness Gate?

The Pluto Interregnum
Since 1781, transiting Pluto has impacted the human experiential way. How has that played a major part in our transformation process?

The Completion of the Story
How will the realisation of our full cognitive potential impact our human experience?
