Rave Memory Circuit and Encounter with the Voice Q & A with Ra

Rave Memory Circuit and Encounter with the Voice Q & A with Ra
1 hour 48 minutes
  • Discover your Gates of Memory, and how they influence your decisions.
  • Includes Q&A with students about Ra’s mystical experience with the Voice.


Memory is a powerful tool. How we remember events depends on how something was experienced in that moment, which in turn is filtered and changes over time. The mind can use memory to keep us from seeing things clearly and thereby impact our behavior and decisions.

Join Ra for a fascinating exploration of the Rave I-Ching Gates that have to do with memory  - the Rave Memory Circuit. 

This online, live classroom recording includes images of slides used for the presentation. The genetics of memory are shown including the face of the Godheads and amino acids associated with each of the memory gates. During the first 25 minutes Ra lectures, and then takes questions from attendees for the remainder of the class.

If you'd like to know about the twelve Gates that are components of your Rave Memory Circuit, as well as listen as Ra shares his experience with the Voice and bringing Human Design into the world, this previously unreleased, 100+ minute webinar recording is for you.

"There is no such thing as personal memory." Ra Uru Hu

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1 hour 48 minutes
  • Discover your Gates of Memory, and how they influence your decisions.
  • Includes Q&A with students about Ra’s mystical experience with the Voice.
