Logic and Perfection


Logic has something that no other form of awareness has: It can actually pursue perfection.

If you're Abstract, this is what torments you in your life; the assumption that perfection exists for you, because in the Abstract way there is no such thing. But Logic is about the pursuit of perfection.

The Channel of Talent (48-16) is often misunderstood—it is about the perfected repetition of a pattern. It's what a musician does when he rehearses, over and over again, the same piece of music in the pursuit of that possibility of perfection. This is what haunts Logic, that perfection can exist.

If I deconstruct that, this is deeply connected to the Logic of Human Design. So, truly, it is important to understand something about our nature; that perfection clearly is possible for us.

In the Logic circuit we're dealing with the Spleen. It’s all done in the twinkle or the blink of an eye. Whoosh, and it's there. Yet at the same time, it’s a process of comparison in order to see whether the pattern is aligned or not. In that moment of judgment, at the mundane level this is simply about looking out. But to understand what is possible for us, that perfection, is a natural byproduct of our correctness.

But it is not in the comparison with the other, which is the bedrock of mundane judgment. Mundane judgment is: there's this and there’s that, so let's weigh them, let's compare them and let's make a judgment.

One of the most exciting things that I do in Human Design is that I work at deeper and deeper levels of the infrastructure of the mechanics. And that work is not simply to embroider the Science of Differentiation, but to truly to get to the place where differentiation is something that is easily established.

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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