Stories & Articles tagged with The Four Transformations

Showing 7 to 12 (of 22 items)
  • The Importance of Dietary Regimen
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    The Importance of Dietary Regimen

    What is so essential to the digestive system, when you digest food correctly according to your determination, what basically happens is that no matter what you take in, because this isn’t about food...

  • Strategy and Authority Leads to Uniqueness
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    Strategy and Authority Leads to Uniqueness

    The determination of your body is a genetic predisposition to form differentiation. What that means very simply is that each and every one of us is born to be unique.

  • We are Here to See Uniquely
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    We are Here to See Uniquely

    You want to see? You have to see from a platform that's correct, because the moment that your vehicle is correct, the moment that you’re in the right environment is the moment you've got the right perspective. And then you can see.

  • How to Nourish Your Difference
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    How to Nourish Your Difference

    The right dietary regimen enhances the neural development. It doesn't close it down. Because what's happening to you when you eat according to your dietary regimen is that you're taking in precisely what is correct for you to nourish your difference.

  • Strategic Communion and Lies
    Ra Uru Hu The Four Transformations

    Strategic Communion and Lies

    It’s one of the things I’ve talked about over the years, what it means to have your inner Authority separated from your mental system. Think about what it really means when your mind is both Inner and Outer Authority.

  • Variable: The Blueprint of Brain, Body, and Mind
    Tom Bonoma The Four Transformations

    Variable: The Blueprint of Brain, Body, and Mind

    We all have times when we notice our mind is working well, and we also tend to be more familiar than we’d like with the times our mind doesn’t seem to work at all. In such moments we can find ourselves wondering...

Showing 7 to 12 (of 22 items)