While preparing for this article I experienced a very important lesson about the profiles when it comes to the not-self strategy. I witnessed myself as the fears of my openness created strategies to cope with what I am not, instead of allowing what I am. This experience offered me reflection on how much time I wasted resisting my true nature, attempting to write and share while wearing a costume that simply didn’t fit. It was cutting off my circulation and this restriction felt really uncomfortable.
How often are we trying on roles and costumes that aren’t doing us justice? Does your current costume ‘fit’? Does it feel good on your physical body? Are you glowing or restricted?
My profile is the 2/5 - Hermit/Heretic. I was busy trying on the 1/3 and the 5/1 outfits and learned the hard way that some costumes just simply look better on other people.
Relaxing into your innate costume is a breath of fresh air. It actually feels nurturing to the physical body and brings a new sense of vibrancy to your being. Each of the six lines of the hexagram brings with it a unique and powerful frequency that expresses itself differently based on the position in the profile. Having a basic understanding of the lines gives you an opportunity to understand your gifts and those of people around you.
The profile calculation is based on the position of your personality sun/earth and your design sun/earth in the bodygraph. The personality is who you think you are and what you identify with, combined with your unconscious design calculation representing your physical body. Bringing awareness to your unconscious helps bridge the gap of the forced marriage of your holistic Human Design; supporting you in your de-conditioning process.
Profile also impacts how we differentiate as unique beings: The same Profile will be expressed quite differently through a particular Type, that is a 2/ 5 Projector experiences and manifests their profile differently from a 2/5 Generator.
Learning to allow and embrace the natural dance of my second line personality has brought a new flow and joy into my life. I know in my cells how deeply transformative diving into my profile has been in my Human Design journey and how refreshing it has been in understanding those closest in my life.
There was instant recognition in my body of how really different the frequencies of the lines of the hexagram are and how their distinct roles are embodied. Experiencing this differentiation can bring great relief and understanding in this cosmic drama of life.
Observing how the different energies of the twelve profiles manifest between us has been like watching an entertaining movie. When I got my first Human Design reading, there was a sense of relief when I saw the word “Hermit”. The hermit was a deep part of me that I was busy denying based on the reactions and projections of those around me. I knew in my body how important my boundaries and alone time were for my personal well-being, but I spent so much energy trying to manage the projection field of my profile.
I remembered how my past roommates thought it was strange that I needed so much alone time (2nd line), and I finally understood why strangers shared positive projections of me at first (5th line). I experienced the inevitable paranoia that can manifest with the fifth line projection field. Learning how this works has helped me dance in this power instead of become victim of it. During my de-conditioning experiment, I’ve allowed myself to own these innate roles I carry in my 2/5 profile. Finally being able to acknowledge and nurture my need for solitude is so liberating, and I no longer feel guilty about it!
I am learning to honor my natural gifts and what is being called of me, instead of feeling the need to prove I can back myself up with investigations that don’t resonate with me (1st line). Witnessing the six lines of the hexagram and how they play out through the twelve profiles has been a huge learning lesson of how powerful these innate costumes are.
Being aware of your profile can help you relax into the role that feels right. The energy that is supporting you while you experiment with your Strategy and Inner Authority.
The following lines will be shared from the perspective of the channel of the Prodigal 13-33: A design of a Witness.
“An innate sense to know and accept one’s place.”
I’m incredibly grateful for the first lines in my life who bring me a sense of grounding and
solidness. There is a tender vulnerability to their inevitable insecurity that makes room for a powerful authority to emerge from their investigations. They carry a huge creative potential and I always feel a sense of calm knowing they’ve done their research. They do a beautiful job of taking the pressure off of my natural second line which isn’t concerned with consistent investigation. They have taught me the importance of doing my homework on certain topics and when I trust the security of the first lines in my life, they offer me a beautiful foundation to dance freely in what feels natural for my second line.
Profiles: 1/3, 1/4, 4/1, and 5/1.
“The successful sidestepping of behavioral requirements through isolation.”
There is a sense of relief when I am with other second lines. It’s fun being hermits together and knowing we can share solitude in the same space. When I reflect on those closest in my life who have a second line in their profile, there is always something that stands out about them. A shining talent that I see so clearly, something I want to cheer on and share with the world. I love watching their glow of recognition when I call out their natural gifts and genuinely encourage them to listen to their unique calls in life. I acknowledge the importance of needing to be alone to nurture unique talents and how essential having this sacred space is for second lines. If you have someone with a second line in your life, don’t take it personally if you feel their boundaries or pull for aloneness. If you have a second line in your profile, it’s important to learn your fluid dance of engaging and evolving through relationships and equally cultivating your relationship with yourself. You are here to embrace what comes easily for you. If it ain’t easy, ditch it! You are here to sparkle.
Profiles: 2/4, 2/5, 5/2, and 6/2.
“The futile rejection of standards based on a just awareness”
There is a joy I feel in my cells when I think of people who embody the third line energy in their lives. I imagine a life of adventure and resilience. Learning through different experiences, trial and error and essentially bumping into things and people. I know that through these exciting changes, transitions and potential mutations, the third line learns what does and doesn’t work. I resonate with this energy and know the power of support with light hearted laughter about their mistakes because they are never actually failures. These experiences are crucial for their personal evolution and discovery. If you have a someone in your life with a third line in their profile, go easy on them. They will make mistakes, but their life experiences will enrich their lives and yours. If you have a third line in your own profile, enjoy the journey and learn to laugh and embrace the movement and change in your life.
Profiles: 1/3, 3/5, 3/6, and 6/3.
“The acceptance of norms until a successful transformation can be engendered.”
I always feel so comfortable when I reconnect with a fourth line in my life, they feel like family and welcome me in with open arms. There is a sense that I can rely on them and they are there for me, which I am deeply grateful for. The fourth line’s greatest influence is in their friendship network. It feels so nurturing to be embraced and supported by the brotherhood/sisterhood energy. They are the heart and service of the community and are the first ones to share opportunities with me. Whether it be the best new product or a referral to the exact connection I need, I trust their advice. If you have a fourth line in your profile, you are here to be deeply influential in your community. Discerning which relationships are correct for you is everything, because this is where you will find your success. They are the ones who remind us of the importance of kinship and meaningful connections and keep us all together during important times.
Profiles: 1/4, 2/4, 4/1, and 4/6.
“Direct and overt challenge to norms.”
All fifth lines carry a mysterious and seductive energy, pulling you in to find out who they are and what they can offer you. When I reflect on the fifth lines in my life, I feel their power and leadership potential. I appreciate their direct and efficient advice and I admire the courage it takes to look outside the box and challenge traditional values in order to universalize something new. They are the creative rebels whose influence reaches beyond their own personal network and out into the world. Heretics are so important in this life to catalyze change. I always find so much joy sharing conversation with fellow fifth lines, which I usually meet while traveling. If you have a fifth line in your profile, you are here to have impact. You may find that your influence is better received by strangers than those close to you. Learning how be a master of the projection field will help you discern what is correct for you.
Profiles: 2/5, 3/5, 5/1, and 5/2.
“The perfection expression of norms through action rather than words.”
When I think about those with sixth lines in my life there is an immediate sense of respect and admiration for their life experience. A knowing of, “you’ve been through a lot!” With both of my parents embodying the 6/2 profile, I’ve been able to witness the three part life process of the sixth line. The dramatic life shift after 30 years of trial and error, settling and healing until age 50, then finally walking in the world as a Role Model. It’s brought me great joy to hear my parents express their new sense of success, happiness and purpose after age 50. Sixth lines are the great teachers who share their wisdom from their fascinating life experience. There is something special about the sixth line, detached and mystical with their high vision perspective.
Profiles: 3/6, 4/6, 6/2, and 6/3.
Devon Martin is a 2/5 Self- Projected Projector on the Cross of the Four ways. She is a Living Your Design Guide and works for Jovian Archive as their Customer Relations & Sales Manager.
Inspired to share your story or simply want to connect? Contact Devon at devon@jovianarchive.com
Devon Martin is a 2/5 Quad right Self- Projected Projector on the Cross of the Four ways. She worked at Jovian Archive as their Customer Relations & Sales Manager.
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