Stories & Articles tagged with General

Showing 37 to 42 (of 54 items)
  • The Influence of Dreams
    Ra Uru Hu General

    The Influence of Dreams

    The work in DreamRave includes the ability to understand the actual mechanism of the sleep state, and the mechanical ways in which we are being conditioned and homogenized in that process.

  • Your Truth
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Your Truth

    Are you willing to trust someone else about what is correct for you in your life?

  • For now: Survival is Funny and Life is Serious
    Ra Uru Hu General

    For now: Survival is Funny and Life is Serious

    It is an ancient debate, a classic duality: Comedy and Tragedy. There is the proverbial banana peel, the one who slips on it has a tragic fall and the witness can’t help but laugh.

  • A Human Design Thanksgiving
    Lynda Bunnell General

    A Human Design Thanksgiving

    The concept behind Thanksgiving is similar to the other celebrations around the world. There are many ways cultures come together to show thanks during the fall season.

  • The Power of Questions
    Alokanand Diaz del Rio General

    The Power of Questions

    Born on the Cross of Consciousness, with definition everywhere between the Head and Ajna centers (except for Gate 24) I truly am someone who’s life has been transformed as I changed my attitude towards questions.

  • Waking up to the Illusion of Self
    Alokanand Diaz del Rio General

    Waking up to the Illusion of Self

    Waking up through the pain of separation is the Karma of the Not-Self, but the Sleeping Phoenix always returns to the natural Abundance of a half-full half-empty spirited Vessel.

Showing 37 to 42 (of 54 items)