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The Solar Plexus Center is one of the body's four motors, and it is extraordinarily powerful. With 50% of humanity emotionally defined, we live in a dense emotional environment.
Do you want rewarding relationships? Do you want the problems that you've had in relating with others in the past to disappear?
One of the most important things to discover after your Type and Strategy is the framework upon which it is based. In that, we come to the Profile and the Hexagram
The foundation of Human Design analysis is the Hexagram and its structure. From Profile to Gate and Channel thematics, the six Lines reveal profound information.
Transits, or the Human Design "weather", are one of the most important aspects of this knowledge. Transits were, in fact, Ra Uru Hu's first "teacher."
The BodyGraph is a map. Explore how energy flows through the Pressure and Awareness Centers within Circuits and the Mental Streams: Logic, Abstract, and Individual.