Please enjoy our wide selection of free articles on a host of Human Design topics, including testimonials from you, our community.
Is it possible to experience material abundance and also feel at peace, satisfied, successful and even surprised with your life’s work?
A journey through the lines from the perspective of the Channel of the Prodigal 13-33: The Design of a Witness
Ask a physicist, and they’ll tell you love is chemistry. Ask a romantic, and they’ll tell you it’s a yearning that drives all great fables...
We know that there are 64 Hexagrams, and there are six Lines in each Hexagram. But each Line has a subdivision...
There is a very simple art to being a Generator. Yet while it may be simple, it's not always easy...
How you function in the world is based upon this one essential quality that you cannot control: the way your aura operates. What's the art of the Projector aura?