Stories & Articles

Please enjoy our wide selection of free articles on a host of Human Design topics, including testimonials from you, our community.

Showing 211 to 216 (of 235 items)
  • On Being Radical
    Mary Ann Winiger General

    On Being Radical

    I was asked a very interesting question the other day about something I had written in my book “A Revolution of One”, a book about the first 10 years of my experiment.

  • Living in a Competitive World - The Open Heart
    Mary Ann Winiger Mind and Conditioning

    Living in a Competitive World - The Open Heart

    I have often heard it said that competition is healthy. Well, healthy for who? Not for the person with the undefined Heart Center.

  • Transformation - The Passenger’s Journey
    Mary Ann Winiger General

    Transformation - The Passenger’s Journey

    For those of you who are new to Human Design, there are two sets of information on each side of the BodyGraph on your chart.

  • Timing is Everything
    Mary Ann Winiger General

    Timing is Everything

    After all these years, I can say from my own experience that “Timing is Everything”! I have seen the truth of this from my own sacral response.

  • Longing for Enlightenment
    Mary Ann Winiger General

    Longing for Enlightenment

    Before Human Design, I had been a seeker. This searching took me to India where I encountered for the first time the word “Enlightenment”.

  • The Deconditioning journey - Trouble in Paradise
    Devon Martin Mind and Conditioning

    The Deconditioning journey - Trouble in Paradise

    My de-conditioning process started in December 2012 when I took a leap of faith to leave my corporate job in New York City. There was a shift in awareness and . . .

Showing 211 to 216 (of 235 items)