Incarnation Cross

Everyone has a very specific frequency that can be mapped out in your Human Design Chart. The calculation of your Personality and Design Suns/Earths represent seventy percent of the imprinted and consistent energy of your being. This is where we find your Incarnation Cross.

Incarnation Cross

The Incarnation Cross, in combination with the Profile, is what ultimately defines our purpose on Earth. There are 192 basic Incarnation Crosses in the Human Design System, each derived from a combination of the themes of our Sun and Earth positions. Together, they form the whole of our human experience.

Your Incarnation Cross is something that will slowly emerge over time as you live in unison with your individualized nature, and culminates in the full expression of your potential. It usually comes into play around the Uranus opposition, age 38-42, when you have planted a solid foundation and have a clear direction. It is in that sense the essence of your purpose through which you can leave your mark on the world.

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