Sequencing Larger Cycles


I was given a lot of information about many things, but larger cycles have always fascinated me the most. I’m much more interested in the organic whole or in large components of the organic whole than I am with the individual. I’ve spent so many years now of my life delving into the individual nature and individual designs, and as fascinating as that is, and it is fascinating, I’m much more curious about the larger cycles that move us.

Evolutionary theory or concepts about the ongoing development of humanity are things that we’ve had to speculate on based on historical or archeological evidence from the past. What fascinates me about understanding cycles is that I can participate in the evolutionary process. Something that I find very intriguing is to not simply be caught up in a wave of reflection on how things have moved but being conscious of where you are in the movement of all things. One of the beauties of this knowledge is that it can give you that kind of perspective.

So, our journey over the next days is a journey through a cycle and it is a cycle that is rooted in very old, revealed knowledge. Everything about Human Design is a synthesis. There are obvious components of the synthesis that everybody deals with in Design: The I’Ching, the Chakra System, the Kabbala, and astrology, these basic structures.

But I was told about something else, and in a way, you have a relationship to it. That is, it’s come to be known as the Tarot . By saying that, by the way, I don’t want you to give that a direct association. The Tarot as it exists and as it has existed for 400 or 500 years has nothing to do with its true origins. However, like all things that are revealed and lost, bits and pieces show up and get reconstructed.

In the knowledge that I was given, I was taken back to the root of what that knowledge was all about, and it’s called “sequencing.” It was something that was a possession of the ancient Egyptian priesthood. It was their understanding that everything was caught up in a sequence and that all of us operate in sequence.

In order to be able to give that to you in a way that you can use the information—like everything about Human Design, Human Design gives us logical tools for exploration—I’m going to translate a very ancient knowledge into the context that we use and understand. That is, I’m going to show you what the sequences are and I’m going to show you those sequences in the context of the hexagram structure.

After all, when you’re looking at the I’Ching and its structure, what you’re looking at is the genetic code of the whole. What I’m going to show you is the way in which the genetic code is sequenced. What’s interesting about that is that it’s a language of genetics—the sequence of DNA, the sequence of DNA strands—and basically, everything is rooted into this larger sequencing, because this larger sequencing is our evolutionary pattern. It’s always nice to give you something large to start with.

Excerpt from The 64 Evolutionary Steps

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


The 14th Step
Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

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Ra Uru Hu 2027 and Global Cycles

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Global Cycles
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