It all goes back to fear. The natural teachers are the 5/1s and the 4/1s. These are the natural teachers. The juxtapositions that are here through their fixed fate to deeply influence those people that they know, and the 5/1 that's here to universalize their teaching. But mental teaching that arises out of the 1/3 and the 1/4 is something that is totally different. And the quality of their teaching, or the success of their teaching, is going to be so dependent on the nature of their vehicle.
It's a lot easier to be a kind of intuitive and creative teacher as a 1/3 than a 1/4 because the 1/4 is stuck in a lock. That is, the 1/4 is deeply fixed. So, for them in terms of the way it's going to work is that they're going to be able to influence certain people that are in their network. But the real impact is that the 1/3, because they are discoverers, it is natural for 3rd Lines to be able to discover, to be able to explore, to get through things, to fight their way through all of that, but the 1/3 thinkers will penetrate into areas that the 1/4s will never go because the 1/4 needs security.
Now, all of that, of course, is dependent on many factors. The serendipity of where you're born, the standard of living of your country, your parents, the schools you go to, there are all kinds of things that are going to impact this. Obviously, at its most primitive level, it's very limited. In other words, we can have very limited teaching that comes out of the form principle, basic things like pulling a kid's arm back because the (traffic) light has changed.
There are certain basic survival things, all that kind of stuff, where it’s the teaching that makes a difference. That is, the teaching that allows us to be able to fulfill our nine centered potential, which means that we're not going to succeed on this plane in any way unless we have a certain intellectual development, certain training, all these things that are necessary for a species.
So, you have to be careful about taking what I'm describing and too easily applying that to anyone, because you can't just do that. Thinking about these terms, as I introduce them this weekend, is to see that they're the epitome of what's possible in profile.
If you're a 1/3 or a 1/4, your profile says you've got an investigative Personality. That's what your profile says. It doesn't say you teach. Yes, there's continuity in that, but as profile, it is just about investigating. And of course, what happens is that that works whether you're aware or not. If you've got a 1st Line Personality, that's what your mind is going to be into, and that's it. But it doesn't mean you're going to teach with that. Nor does it mean that teaching is going to be correct for you, because again, that's something else. It's going to arise out of other things that are there in your process.
To be an investigator is the bottom line of the fear mechanism that drives the planet. This is what's going on all the time. This is what our world is filled with, it’s what the news is filled with, is what the talking heads are all about. It's a fundamental investigation into a fear-oriented age, trying to explain things, and all that that's going on. It doesn't mean that any of that qualifies, in that sense, as a teacher. That's its archetype; that's what's possible.
Excerpt from Teachers, Gurus, Priests, Prophets, Messengers, and Buddhas
Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.
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