

I've seen so many seekers at this point in my career that in some ways, it's disheartening.

There is a Channel in the BodyGraph, the 11/56, which is the Channel of Curiosity. It’s the Design of the Seeker, and one of the melodramas is that it’s the Design of seeking but not necessarily finding.

It’s one of the things that I notice about seekers, and about this mythology that's been attached to them: that somehow, in the role of being a seeker, you are in fact going to find (it).

And you're always looking beyond yourself, that's what I notice the most. Whether it's what I get to see on Facebook or what's there generally in the New Age, all of this searching for something that is beyond yourself, that is outside of yourself.

Human Design is very different from all that; everything about the knowledge is about finding the truth within yourself.

The other thing that seeking leads to is this assumption that what you're seeking is different than what you are, that somehow you're seeking something you are not, that you're trying to awaken. That somehow this is going to be another being. It really is a sad joke.

One of the funniest things that floated around for years was the comment “stupid before enlightenment and stupid after.” It's always the same being, and in essence, it’s always the same life.

This is what I enjoy so much about awareness: you can live deeply connected to the mundane plane. That is what we’re here for, to live on the mundane plane, to have these lives of friends and lovers and parents and children, all that is part of what it is to be us.

Within the context of the Maia, we’re here to be aware, and that awareness begins within oneself. It is not seeking something that is outside, it is seeking the truth about who you actually are.

Human Design is very simple in its mechanics. It says “Look, there's a Strategy and Authority to your particular construct. Try it.” This is the whole thing, you’re not trying to find something beyond yourself, you’re trying to find who you are.

Most human beings grow up deeply conditioned. They are moved away from the core of their nature the moment they come into the world, and everything about their life beyond that is going to be homogenized. It’s going to be Not-Self mind deciding this or that, seeking something they are not.

They’re seeking wholeness and awareness, but ignoring the one place that it resides. It resides within them, within you. This is where it is, and the only place to go is within yourself to discover what it is to be you. Not in some kind of fantasy, not in the delusion that somehow you're about to have a great exalted life. It’s a mundane world, it's about being aware in the mundane world, and seeing the beauty of it. The beauty of what it is to be human, to be us, is something we discover within ourselves.

There’s nothing to seek, there really isn’t. You’re not going to find anything, because you're not looking with eyes that are truly yours. You're not seeing in a way that you were designed to see.

I guess the saddest thing is that human beings don't look within themselves because they've given up so long ago on any possibility that they can really trust and love who they are. This is the beauty of this knowledge, the rediscovery of how magical it is to be us, how perfect it can be. All it takes is the experiment, the surrender to living your life as yourself. Not seeking “out there”, but living the truth of who you are and waiting to see what this life will bring to you.

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


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