Insights into the Personal Impact of Saturn and Jupiter's Transits | Q2 2023


As we move through this quarter, from April 1 through June 30, Peter Schoeber guides us to gain a deeper understanding of how slower-moving planets will be impacting us on a personal level, depending on our individual BodyGraph. During this quarter Saturn will transit through 2 Gates, while Jupiter’s faster pace carries it through 5 Gates. In the following excerpts, Peter looks at two of the transits of these planets and their potential impact. If you have a harmonic Gate—the Gate at the other end of the channel—these excerpts may be particularly insightful. With Peter's expert analysis, we can gain a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of how these transits may shape our personal experiences this quarter.

Saturn in Gate 37

“Saturn in the 37. If you have the 40, oh that is interesting! If you have the 40 you, let's say by default, say ‘no’. It’s the gate of saying no, the gate of aloneness. And actually, the 40 says no to the belonging, to the family, to the tribe, to the bonding, because—as an Ego gate—it doesn't want to work more than necessary. On the other hand, of course, as all gates, it is kind of waiting for the other side in order to be completed. If now the Saturn in 37 is coming, first of all, it creates for you the channel of the family, the channel of the long-term bonding, the belonging, and the fair deal. As it is Saturn, it will start very likely with the recognition that you have a limitation in that field, that you have no true bondings, that you do not really have good or fair deals.

So very often what turns up in the first moment is not so much the topic itself, but the missing quality that comes with that. Out of that, the awareness is pointed to the topic. And this can lead, depending also a little bit on the length of the transit, it can lead in that case we could say to becoming more able to bond. And as it is Saturn, if you would start a relationship, for example, during the transit in a correct way, obviously, then there is a fair chance that it would have a long duration. Saturn is the lord of time, it brings things that have their endurance, let's say.”

Jupiter in Gate 42

“If you then move on, very soon on April 4, to the 42, if you have the 53, oh that is a good transit for you. With a 53, you very likely have started a lot of things without ever finishing them. So there are a lot of unfinished cycles and processes in your life, and they are consuming a lot of your resources, whatever… your emotional resource, material resource, time, even just awareness, attention. Each process that is not finished consumes some kind of energy. And if that is, let's say, a deep pattern in your life, it creates a huge loss of energy in an ongoing way. So it's really weakening. Now, with the 42, we have technically the energy to finish a process, and we have the energy format of the cycle. So something is really moving now. It is just the pure energetic format of the cycle. Something has to move on, the wheel needs to turn and it will turn.

The finishing still may not be easy, but much more easy than normal. And as a channel, a full channel is to a certain degree not something you can avoid or stop, so the chance is very big that at least some things will be closed. But minimum, minimum that it will become clear for you that there is the necessity to bring some things to an end. And then of course you also will have the reward that you get some of your resources back, you have more capacity for the future.”

Excerpts from the Personal Perspective of Peter Schoeber’s Transit Forecast for Q2 2023

Peter Schoeber

Peter is a 3/5 emotional Generator who began exploring Human Design in 1992, has been a professional analyst and teacher since 1995, and offers IHDS education in German language. He has been working with transits for over 25 years and brings profound insight on the impact of planetary forces as they move through the Gates of the BodyGraph.


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