The Path to Authenticity: Understanding Our True Nature


What is important for you to take from today is a new perspective, to begin to look at what the not-self is as a manifested existence, as a manifested form, to see it alive and well in the world around you. To understand that that friend of yours in their earnestness who wants to tell you “do this” or “do that” has no idea what's going on; and they don’t. Look at their chart. Look at the white spaces, smell the fear, see what drives them, see what's always driven them, see what they think is important to them, and you will see that in looking at their chart that way, you will see them. It's not a nice thing to see, not a nice thing to see when you're looking at people you care about or for. But if you don't see that, you will never see the truth of all this.

Raising Aware Children

Human beings in their arrogance and their vanity think they operate independently, guided by what is their good old reliable self-awareness. It's such a bad joke. They are deeply manipulated, conditioned, and homogenized creatures of the Program. They have no idea at all what's going on. Everything about the life is that this knowledge wasn’t given to be some kind of medicine to save people and fix them. It’s just a byproduct of introducing it into the world. The knowledge is here so that there is guidance, to be aware, and to raise our children in awareness so they can live correctly without ever being conditioned. That they can fulfill their potential and can continue this evolutionary process in a way that is rewarding.

How difficult it is for human beings to even grasp for a moment the perfection that's possible in this life now. I know the world, I'm nobody's fool. It's a horror wherever you look. This is the homogenized world, and it's not to be saved. That’s another arrogance of human beings—you cannot save it. One human being at a time, one human being in the serendipity of being in the right place at the right time, to meet what is transforming for them. It is not meant for the world. It is meant only for those who are ready, because it challenges everything you understand about the nature of life. It challenges everything you grew up with and everything that you've been taught. It is sometimes a difficult thing to swallow, that it is all a chimera, but it is.

Approaching the Experiment

I tell you one thing I’ve learned over the years. It's decades now that I do this. If you don't approach the experiment radically, I don't think there's anywhere to go, because it is a radical experiment. The most radical thing on earth is to be here for yourself first; there is nothing more radical. And this is not about selfishness in the way in which the not-self understands it or would term it. This is about understanding that without the focus on our own correctness, there is nothing. And it's not something we can share. It is not something in which someone else can hold our hand; it's not. It is what you do for yourself.

Excerpt from A Life Story - ebook to be released soon!

Ra Uru Hu

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.


Love Yourself
Ra Uru Hu General

Love Yourself

When I began my process as a teacher, introducing Human Design, I had this lovely mantra: "You are unique, you have no choice, love yourself."

The Penta
Ra Uru Hu The Design of Forms

The Penta

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Chasing Shadows
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What Does Human Design Do for You?
Ra Uru Hu Human Design Concepts

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Ra Uru Hu General

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