Stories & Articles tagged with General

Showing 31 to 36 (of 54 items)
  • Seekers
    Ra Uru Hu General


    I've seen so many seekers at this point in my career that in some ways, it's disheartening. There is a Channel in the BodyGraph, the 11/56, which is the Channel of Curiosity. It’s the Design of the Seeker...

  • Success on the Material Plane
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Success on the Material Plane

    One of those old jokes that I've had in my teachings of Human Design over the years is that basically, you can create any title—better sex, better this, better that, whatever the case may be—in the end, it really comes down to the same thing: It comes down to operating correctly.

  • The Beauty of The Mundane
    Ra Uru Hu General

    The Beauty of The Mundane

    There’s always people who come up to me or write to me and want to tell me their stories. Mystical experiences, esoteric experiences, unusual experiences that they’ve had.

  • The Source of Paranormal Entities
    Ra Uru Hu General

    The Source of Paranormal Entities

    Everything Human Design teaches about the Personality Crystal is that we basically live in a Personality shell. To really grasp that we are limited by the way in which we can perceive frequency...

  • Logic and Perfection
    Ra Uru Hu General

    Logic and Perfection

    Logic has something that no other form of awareness has: It can actually pursue perfection.

  • Uniqueness
    Ra Uru Hu General


    Living Your Design is not about “Well, why should I do that?” or “Why does that work?” If you don't know why you should do it, then you probably shouldn't be here in the first place.

Showing 31 to 36 (of 54 items)